Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Clean Revolution!

Within the next two decades, China will build another United States in terms of homes and commercial buildings. It is projected that the middle class will grow from less than 2 billion to 5 billion and while raising the prosperity of so many people will be an extraordinary achievement this growth will come with an enormous demand for resources and energy.
The concern, however is that we also need to reduce emissions by around two thirds of today's level. This task by itself is herculean since, for the most part, the way we heat our homes, power our industries and move around the planet, remains on a system first developed in the 19th century which continues to depend on fossil fuels. We need a swift transition to low carbon and become a green economy!
A massive scaling up of clean energy, clean technologies and energy efficiency will create jobs, boost economic growth, protect the environment and secure clean energy access for all.

Please visit: for more information. A clean revolution is the only sensible way forward for humanity's future.

Tip of the year for investing in cleaning energy:

Famed futurist Ray Kurzweil has said solar will power the entire world in 16 years.He should know. The MIT grad, father of modern scanning technology, and holder of seventeen honorary doctorates is known by many as the rightful heir to Thomas Edison. Forbes calls him "the ultimate thinking machine."
His solar prediction is based off his Law of Accelerating Returns — an extension of Moore's Law — that says technology can be rapidly improved and deployed as costs come down and improvements are made.
That's exactly what happened with computers. And now everyone has one.
Solar is in the early stages of this phenomenon...

But it can't happen with debacles like Solyndra. And it can't happen if solar companies only follow the status quo.As with computers, the money will be made by the company that revolutionizes the way the core product is made.
Intel made investors over 18,000% doing just that in the 90's.
This company is about to do the same for solar.It doesn't use panels or films or mirrors; it's a spray that can be used anywhere to turn almost any surface into a power generator... with greater efficiency and fewer costs.Like with Intel, those who know about and understand it first will make the most.
To learn more, Feel free to click below:

Joe Velarde
Managing Director
E-global Solutions. 2011. 
All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the statements made herein. We  do not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of E-global Solutions Newsletter may actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or decrease such positions without notice. Readers should not view this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling. Investments recommended in this newsletter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Europe crisis? America debt ceiling? Stock market alternatives?

European crisis, America’s debt ceiling, Murdoch’s global media empire under fire, unemployment numbers down. And if it’s not unemployment, we’re all supposed to be shocked that debt is coming back to bite us in the ass...but some folks act as if this stuff surprises them. For months, this market has made little sense. They rallied 600 points at the beginning of this month on the idea that unemployment figures would magically improve then goes down again or steady up without any visible reason.But what has changed? Not a damned thing.

If you want to make some real money in this market, go where the action is.

Go where supply doesn’t equal demand. Go where national powers are going nuts because China insists on behaving like a crying brat.
Because if you continue to invest in the same items that the media throws down our throats every day, you’ll lose your mind — and for some of us whatever’s left of our hair.
Want to know what’s going to happen over the next few weeks?
America will pull a rabbit out of her hat, and the debt ceiling crisis will be averted in the eleventh hour. Europe will continue to fall apart, as the press clamors over the slow death of the Euro. Housing will not improve; unemployment will not improve.
Obama's threats to hold back Social Security checks won’t hold water, and we’ll run up a few hundred more points on the Dow as Bernanke teases QE3.
And here's another likelihood for 2011...and some positive news: Rare earth prices will continue to sky rocket!

We can all agree that rare earth prices are exploding. And we can all agree that we still have no alternatives. Months after China cut its export quotas and began hoarding this group of chemical elements we so desperately need comes word that Japan has found the rare earth discovery of a lifetime — enough minerals to supply the world.
But was this news nothing more than a political ploy, intent on forcing China to ease its restrictions? No one knows for sure.
The discovery, as it turns out, isn’t even large enough to impact China’s hold.
That means prices will continue to go up — bad news for America, Japan, and anyone else with their sights set on a green future.

Elissa Resources (ELI.V) trade just expanded its land position at the mining company's Thor rare earth project.

Lynas (LYSCF.PK), owner of the Mount Weld mine in Australia, has plans to produce by the end of the year, hitting 22,000 tons by 2013.

Molycorp (MCP) has plans to start up its Mountain Pass mine in California next year, ramping up to output of 40,000 tones a year by late 2013.

And don't forget about Rare Earth Elements (REE), the Market Vectors Rare Earth Metals ETF (REMX), and the Greenland play that have been touting us for months.

Do your research, stay afloat, keep an eye on the underwater rare earth story...but keep an eye on what’s going on above earth too…Stay alert and share the positive news when you find them.

Good luck, 

Joe Velarde
Managing Director
E-global Solutions. 2011. 
All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the statements made herein. We  do not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of E-global Solutions Newsletter may actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or decrease such positions without notice. Readers should not view this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling. Investments recommended in this newsletter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

The next financial crash?

Two subjects on my mind today. The first is - as usual - some esoteric musings on human nature,  the second - exactly how and when American
Blue Chip stocks will crash ?

Just last week, I was browsing through an article out of the Harvard Business Review
on Ernest Dichter's work back in the sixties on crowd motivation. Dr. Evil Dichter is the supposedly
"evil genius" who brought Freudian psychology to Madison Avenue on a silver platter.

He is credited with inventing focus groups and such. He coined "put a tiger in your tank" for Esso.
And when he determined young girls wanted something sexy in the dollhouse he created Barbie for Mattel.
Dichter determined there are four things that motivate a body to tell other folks about something.
He was thinking about brands, but the ideas are really the viral spread of ideas - that is to say, memes.
Here are his four rules:"The first (about 33% of the cases) is because of product-involvement.
The experience is so novel and pleasurable that it must be shared." "The second (about 24%) is self-involvement.
 Sharing knowledge or opinions is a way to gain attention, show connoisseurship, feel like a pioneer, have inside
information, seek confirmation of a person's own judgment, or assert superiority."  "The third (around 20%) is other-involvement.
The speaker wants to reach out and help to express neighborliness, caring, and friendship.
"The fourth (around 20%) is message-involvement. The message is so humorous or informative that it deserves sharing.
" I'd like to think I write to you because of Reasons #3 and #4, but my wife says it's more likely #2.

Putting Theory to Work

Now let's put our viral skills to a practical use: determining when the markets will tip over into their next deep slump.

We already know many of the memes in play such as "Recession," "Unemployment" and "Inflation," and the upcoming
end of the Fed's free money program - AKA "QE2". In fact, we can quantify the exact effect QE2 had on Blue Chip stocks.
This exercise offers us a pretty clear view of what has been going on over the past year or so, and what is likely to happen over the next year.

The Worst Choice Washington is now faced with a horrid choice: it can cease and desist printing and borrowing.
Without this prop, the markets will, of course, collapse. But there is a chance that this breakdown will be limited in scope.
Or they can (and to be frank, most likely will) cave in to political pressure and commence QE3. This will buy one more upside leg, but will also cause the eventual crash to double in scope. The best hope we can offer you is that we can find a way to monetize these moves via call and put options, regardless of which dark path Washington walks down. However, you will need to be able to buy the calls and puts we recommend. So feel free to check out this free special report on how to score winning option contracts. Why are we giving away valuable info like this? Again, I'd like to think that it's Dichter's third rule.
But, of course, we do have a second motive: We, financial writers, desperately need folks like you to stay profitable in both UP and down cycles. So it is in all our interests that you acquire these critical tools.

Good luck, 

Joe Velarde
Managing Director
E-global Solutions. 2011. 
All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the statements made herein. We  do not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of E-global Solutions Newsletter may actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or decrease such positions without notice. Readers should not view this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling. Investments recommended in this newsletter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal and punishable by law.
Please note: It is not our intention to send email to anyone who doesn't want it.  If you're not sure why you're getting this e-letter, or no longer wish to receive it, get more info here

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Retirement Stocks

Picking winning dividend stocks usually requires time consuming tasks. First they should have a minimal risk of a dividend cut and second (but most importantly) there should be a high probability that the dividends will increase while you own the stock. Here are four stocks worthy of any retirement portfolio:
Abbot Laboratories (NYSE: ABT), a diversified health care company. This is a stock you can safely add anytime on weakness. The 3.6% current yield is well above average for this type of company and their 62% payout ratio suggests future sustainability. What's more, Abott has increased its dividend payouts for 39 straight years!
McDonald's Corporation(NYSE: MCD): I can't say that's where I eat every day but it is hard to deny they are a well run global machine. Recession or not, food is always moving out of the golden arches. This burger company has raised its dividend for 34 years in a row while producing a ten-year annual dividend growth rate of 26.5%. The yield isn''t off the charts at 2.80% but this one continues to promise steady returns.
Realty Income Corporation (NYSE: O): An old time favorite. Realty Income has one of the best business models to speak of and pays a 5% yield. The dividend is supported by the cash flow from over 2,500 properties owned under long term triple-net lease agreements. To date, the company has paid 492 consecutive monthly dividends  (41 years!) while raising the payouts 62 times since 1994.
Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE: DUK): An energy/utility company, Duke Energy delivers power to four million customers in the Carolinas and parts of the Midwest. The company pays 5.4% dividend yield and has increased its quarterly distribution for seven consecutive years.

If you are not of retirement age and want to stay within certain boundaries of risks, there are other recommendations available. Write me an email and or call me at your earliest convenience.

Joe Velarde
Managing Director
E-global Solutions. 2011. 
All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the statements made herein. We  do not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of E-global Solutions Newsletter may actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or decrease such positions without notice. Readers should not view this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling. Investments recommended in this newsletter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal and punishable by law. Please note: It is not our intention to send email to anyone who doesn't want it.                                                                                                     If you're not sure why you're getting this e-letter, or no longer wish to receive it, get more info here

Monday, June 27, 2011

Templeton, Investment Tips and Controversial videos June 2011

June 2011
For Sir John Marks Templeton, the road not taken really did make all the difference in the world.
A fundamentalist by nature, Templeton's overall investment thesis was pretty simple: it was to "search for companies around the world that offered low prices and an excellent long-term outlook."
More often than not, that included areas of the world other investors had completely overlooked, most notably post-war Japan. Templeton was not only one of the first investors to place bets there,  he was also one of the first investors to sell out as the Japanese bubble peaked in the mid-1980's.
Likewise, his timing couldn't have been better in the late 1990's. At the height of the Internet bubble Templeton predicted 90% of the new Internet companies would be bankrupt within five years.
Confident in that prediction, he went short dozens of technology companies, making himself over $80 million in a matter of weeks. He later called it "the easiest money I ever made."
As a result of such a long and profitable career, Money magazine dubbed him "arguably the greatest global stock picker of the century” in 1999.
One of the great philanthropists of all time, he also left behind a wealth of investment advice for stock pickers at every level.
Templeton's 10 Maxims
He called them Templeton's 10 Principles for Successful Investing. They included the following:
Invest for real returns: “The true objective for any long-term investor is maximum total real return after taxes.”
Keep an open mind: “Never adopt permanently any type of asset or any selection method. Try to stay flexible, open minded and skeptical. Long term top results are achieved only by changing from popular to unpopular the types of securities you favour and your methods of selection.”
Never follow the crowd: “If you buy the same securities as other people, you will have the same results as other people. It is impossible to produce superior performance unless you do something different from the majority. Buying when others are despondently selling and selling when others are greedily buying requires the greatest fortitude and pays the greatest reward.”
Everything changes: “Bear markets have always been temporary. And so have bull markets.”
Avoid the popular: “When any method for selecting stocks becomes popular, you will need to switch to unpopular methods.”
Learn from your mistakes: “'This time is different' are among the most costly four words in market history.”
Buy during times of pessimism: “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria. The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell.”
Search worldwide: “To avoid having all your eggs in the wrong basket at the wrong time, you should diversify. When you search worldwide, you find more better bargains than when you monitor only one nation. You also benefit from more safety thanks to diversification.”
Hunt for value and bargains: “Too many investors focus on outlook and trend. Therefore, more profit is made by focusing on value. In the stock market the only way to get a bargain is to buy what most investors are selling.”
No-one knows everything: “An investor who has all of the answers doesn't even understand the questions.”
Of course, those aren't the only words of wisdom Templeton had to offer. He also once said, "It's nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice."
Templeton passed away in July 2008 at the age of 95. Just when I was moving from the States into Europe for a couple of years. Let's keep his memory alive! 
As for some places to start building a lifetime of wealth, I have put together a few videos of the best ways to ride the unstable economic waves and to watch new alternatives to come but hurry to watch them as new ones frequently come and there is not enough space to keep them all at once.... come. Double click below and enjoy…
Joe Velarde

Organs on Demand?
Steve Christ, sells you the Wealth Advisory magazine but watching this 20 minutes video migth be something you want to try :

Favorite new Oil company
Christian deHaemer sells you the Crisis and Opportunities newsletter. Watching this 35 minutes video is a rare opportunity for those who believe in geological findings:

America: Inflation Nation
Luke Burgess (through his gloomy U.S. analysis of the nation, attempts to sell you precious metals and mining stocks. Don't necessarily agree with all his concepts but nevertheless, provocative writing:

Joe Velarde
Managing Director
E-global Solutions. 2011. 
All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the statements made herein. We  do not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. The publisher, editors and consultants of E-global Solutions Newsletter may actively trade in the investments discussed in this newsletter. They may have substantial positions in the securities recommended and may increase or decrease such positions without notice. Readers should not view this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling. Investments recommended in this newsletter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal and punishable by law. Please note: It is not our intention to send email to anyone who doesn't want it.                                                                                                     If you're not sure why you're getting this e-letter, or no longer wish to receive it, get more info here