The concern, however is that we also need to reduce emissions by around two thirds of today's level. This task by itself is herculean since, for the most part, the way we heat our homes, power our industries and move around the planet, remains on a system first developed in the 19th century which continues to depend on fossil fuels. We need a swift transition to low carbon and become a green economy!
A massive scaling up of clean energy, clean technologies and energy efficiency will create jobs, boost economic growth, protect the environment and secure clean energy access for all.
Please visit: for more information. A clean revolution is the only sensible way forward for humanity's future.
Tip of the year for investing in cleaning energy:
Famed futurist Ray Kurzweil has said solar will power the entire world in 16 years.He should know. The MIT grad, father of modern scanning technology, and holder of seventeen honorary doctorates is known by many as the rightful heir to Thomas Edison. Forbes calls him "the ultimate thinking machine."
His solar prediction is based off his Law of Accelerating Returns — an extension of Moore's Law — that says technology can be rapidly improved and deployed as costs come down and improvements are made.
That's exactly what happened with computers. And now everyone has one.
Solar is in the early stages of this phenomenon...
But it can't happen with debacles like Solyndra. And it can't happen if solar companies only follow the status quo.As with computers, the money will be made by the company that revolutionizes the way the core product is made.
Intel made investors over 18,000% doing just that in the 90's.
This company is about to do the same for solar.It doesn't use panels or films or mirrors; it's a spray that can be used anywhere to turn almost any surface into a power generator... with greater efficiency and fewer costs.Like with Intel, those who know about and understand it first will make the most.
To learn more, Feel free to click below:
Joe Velarde
Managing Director
E-global Solutions. 2011.
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