While investigating the status of current collections and day sales outstanding (DSO) indicators of the big Pharmaceutical and Medical related industries for companies like Merck, J&J, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, St Jude and Abbot Labs(to name a few) we found that the problem might be a little heavier than expected. This must be causing lots of headaches among CEO's and CFO's of these entities trying to minimize their exposure. In the blog sphere there is very little information to ascertain whether DSO's are rampantly increasing or not. Most likely their impact is embedded within the overall numbers. These entities are so invested in above areas that we find it difficult to believe that the posted numbers are correctly showing reality. Merck states 63 DSO's, Abbot claims 65, Boston 61, Medtronic 84, J&J 62 and St. Jude 91 days. If Greece is not paying, Italy takes about 500+days to collect, Spain is in crisis and Portugal is being voiced as the next one to tumble (not to mention France) is it possible that someone is fuzzing with the numbers?
When you add international sanctions (in the case of Iran) where payment alternatives are hard to find the conclusion is even darker on actual DSO's. How do this companies manage to stay current in these territories?
Different alternatives for big pharmaceutical and medical companies to collect monies owed are simply not possible anymore. Who is financing and at what cost are the DSO's maintained? if larger corporations are struggling to collect, imagine what small companies must be going through. Addressing these issues immediately- as cash inflows aren't coming as they used to- is a MUST for all companies regardless of size. If you are interested in additional information, please let me know.
E-global Solutions. 2011.
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